Monday, July 15, 2013

Getting big

I have moments where I suddenly realize that Jack is getting big. It may sound silly but sometimes you forget how much they have really changed. They are still your "baby"- and this is probably why MY mom and dad still tell Jack that I am THEIR baby... I have always thought this was a strange comment growing up (clearly by the age of 10 I was NOT a baby) and second only to when my mom would annually tell the story of the days leading up to my birth and then my birth (another time honored tradition I found myself doing for Jack this year and probably will continue for the next 30) 

This means one of the following: a) I finally "get it", b) my parents are not strange or c) I am strange myself. Probably all if the above. When Jack is 45, he will still be my "baby".

Well Monday several of my teacher friends from Rhinelader made the trip with their kiddos to see the new house and visit- with the tiniest visitor being Baby Sutton. She was born on June 24 so she's only 3 weeks old! We are completely smitten with her :)

In preparation for this visit I wanted to make sure that we had toys and activities that "the whole workplace could agree on". Jack made sure to test every thing out to make sure it was in working order...

Jack getting the play area situated.

And then proceeded to crawl into the baby bouncing seat. And he didn't just crawl in and then get out. He would sit, grab some toys, bring them back to the seat, sit some more, grab his snack, bring that back to the seat, sit some more, and on and on we go!

Well all these shananigans got me thinking about when he really did use the seat so Jack and i spent a part of the afternoon flipping through photos going back to his teeny tiny days. Is this really the same little guy? Still my baby...

Jack almost 20 months old.
Jack about 3 weeks old.

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