Tuesday, September 3, 2013

The Best Train Ride

It all started back at the Wisconsin Valley Fair this summer....

On our way in Jack of course spotted this tiny train at Marathon Junction in Marathon Park (http://www.co.marathon.wi.us/Departments/ParksRecreationForestry/MarathonJunction.aspx).  Jack was SO excited to ride- and we were excited for him too. He watched as it circled around with other kids.We raced over to the stand and bought our tickets. Pete and Jack were going to ride together while mommy manned the camera! Here they are ready for the ride- train hat and all!

August 3, 2013

But then tragedy struck- the train would not start. So sadly (and thankfully without too many protests from small children) everyone was forced to get off the train with no indication as to when it would be running again. We heard Jack say many times "Train boke".

Our tickets were not refunded but we were told we could use them until September 2. As the story of summer always goes, school was drawing near and the window of opportunity was getting smaller. The Labor Day weekend was our last chance. 

Pete worked Saturday.

I worked Sunday.

Monday was our day! We showed up ready for the train after a lovely lunch. I decided we would buy one more ticket so we could all ride. And then the lady says- "You can buy a ticket, but we are not running the train again until noon". It was 11:45am. Sigh. What to do with a toddler who desperately wants to ride a train and has no clue of the concept patience? 

Play on the park.

Finally, we were able to ride on the train and I have never heard such joyful "Choo choos!!" from a little boy. He was genuinely delighted! It was a great send off to summer. Best $3 ever spent.

September 2, 2013

Life is good.